Give Children a Social Emotional Voice Through Writing

A groundbreaking way to teach poetry to children 3-8th grade.

With Jennie Linthorst, MA, CAPF

“The Poetry Toolbox provided me with inspiration, sample poems, and lesson plans that engaged each and every writer in my class. Definitely a must-have for any teacher.”

- Jennifer Simon, 3rd grade teacher, Grandview Elementary, CA

Calling all teachers, educators, school psychologists, tutors, summer writing coaches, home-schoolers, community leaders, and frustrated parents.

“The five voices of poetry made writing more accessible for each and every one of my students.”

-Karla Yates, 3rd grade teacher, Meadows Elementary, CA

Are you...

  • struggling to reach students who say they don't like to write?

  • tired of teaching the same old poetry unit crammed in at the end of the year?

  • wanting to bring more expression, empathy skills, and social-emotional learning into your writing curriculum?

The Poetry Toolbox is a poetry writing curriculum developed by Jennie Linthorst, inspired by Jack Grapes' Method Writing. This seven-lesson poetry unit includes the five voices of poetry, the seven elements of an Image Moment, and life-themed writing prompts. This curriculum offers a unique and accessible way to master figurative language, show vs. tell concepts, narrative, and small-moment writing. These skills enhance all forms of expression while encouraging social-emotional development through writing.

You will learn and practice:

  • 5 voices of writing based on Jack Grapes' Method Writing used by thousands of poets, novelists, screenwriters, and non-fiction writers, creatively adapted for children.

  • Writing poems switching from voice to voice to enhance the power of tonal shifts and the rule of showing, not telling.

  • Writing a detailed moment from scenes in our lives using the 7 elements of an Image Moment.

  • Brainstorming ways to incorporate these skills into your classroom with extra writing prompts to keep your students engaged in writing.

" I never liked to write, but in Jennie's poetry group I do."

- Jay, 5th grade student


  • A simple, powerful method that uses five different "voices" to master figurative language, "show vs. tell" concepts, and creative writing.

  • A step-by-step tool with seven elements to enhance small moment and narrative writing.

  • Having at the ready fun writing games for students to capture moments and feelings in their lives.

  • Your students wanting to learn tools of self-expression that enhance all forms of writing, reading, and speaking.

“It felt good to be able to put in writing my thoughts. The writing prompts helped me understand how I feel.”

-Graham, 10th grade student

I Speak From Experience...

Jennie’s poetry has appeared in Bluestem Magazine, Forge, Kaleidoscope, Literary Mama, Mothers Always Write and more. She is the author of two books, Silver Girl and Autism Disrupted: A Mother’s Journey of Hope.

  • As a writer and author, I have studied these techniques of Method Writing for over 20 years. With two decades experience running a private practice in poetry therapy and teaching trainings for UCLArts & Healing, I have seen the healing power of reading and writing poetry.

  • I understand the struggle to find fresh language and imagery for my writing.

  • I created this curriculum for my son's 3rd grade classroom and spent 6 years teaching it to thousands of 3rd graders in the Manhattan Beach Unified School District.

  • I saw the excitement in students and parents alike, and expanded the program into a monthly writing group for kids of all ages to play writing games with prompts about their lives, practicing these skills in a supportive, empathetic environment.

Here's How It Works:

Self-Paced Online Course

HOW? On your own time, watch each training video module (2 hours total), and complete the practice writing exercises.

Educators can collect a certificate of completion of 5 professional development hours, plus any Zoom meetings attended.*

*Optional monthly live Zoom support meeting schedule:

Thursdays, once a month, 4-5 pm PST

2023/2024 Dates:

10/19; 11/16; 12/14; 1/11;

2/8; 3/7; 4/11; 5/9; 6/6; 7/11; 8/8

Step By Step:

(Lesson plans, examples, and practice writing exercises included with each module.)

Module 1 Videos:

-Why Poetry?

-What is Method Writing?

-How the Poetry Toolbox aligns with Yale's RULER method - the evidence based program enhancing 5 skills of emotional intelligence in pre K-12 schools.

-Classroom Lesson 1: Introduction to teaching the poetry toolbox and the voice, “Surreal”.

Module 2 Videos:

-Classroom Lesson 2: Teaching “Deep Voice”.

-Classroom Lesson 3: Teaching voice “To Be Read & Sung”.

Module 3 Videos:

-Classroom Lesson 4: Teaching voice, “Teeth and Mouth”.

-Classroom Lesson 5: Teaching voice “Straight Talk”.

Module 4 Video:

-Classroom Lesson 6: Introduction to writing one poem using all 5 voices to enhance the power of tonal shifts and the rule of 'showing, not telling'.

Module 5 Video:

-Classroom Lesson 7: Introduction to writing the 7 elements of an Image Moment using scenes from personal moments or photographs of various social scenarios. With lesson plans and examples, practice writing image moment poems from the perspective of different characters, what happened before the moment or after.

Next Steps Video:

-Jennie introduces a PDF of 15 more life-themed writing prompts and games used in her kids writing group for continuous practice of the voices and the image moment in writing poetry.

Jennie took me through each ‘voice’ complete with descriptions, examples, and time to practice independently. Each voice had accompanying language, making it incredibly “teachable” and accessible for students. I immediately added it to my classroom writing lessons.”

-Sandi Crozier, 3rd Grade, Wildwood School, Los Angeles

What Teachers & Parents Are Saying About The Poetry Toolbox:

"My son was not excited about writing in fourth grade. His experience with Jennie made him enthusiastic about writing and confident in his writing skills. English is now one of his favorite subjects and he consistently earns high marks."

-Mrs. Graf, parent of a 5th grader

"Students tapped into emotional places and were empowered to share these feelings and perspectives."

-Jennifer Simon, 3rd grade teacher, Grandview Elementary, CA

"My 5th grade daughter had a private Poetry Toolbox group during Covid, and the teachers were amazed at how the strength of her writing grew."

-Mrs. Amir, parent of a 5th grader

"The results were notable. Those students with solid writing identities absorbed the information and leaped ahead. The reluctant writers were able to try out each voice by examining examples and using them as models. By the end of the 5-week unit, each student had produced a writing booklet that featured each writing voice and an image moment piece. At the culminating family share, students demonstrated heartfelt ownership of their writing and feelings of accomplishment.”

-Sandi Crozier, 20+ years in the classroom

“Now more than ever, I feel it’s invaluable for students to express their feelings and experiences in writing, and using The Poetry Toolbox is perfect for attaining that goal!”

- Mrs. Yates, 3rd grade teacher, Meadows Elementary, CA

This is Your Invitation to a New Approach to Inspire Writing for Your Students

I'm Ready. Sign Me Up!


Register Here

Group discounts are available for schools, districts, and homeschool communities. Contact Jennie for details:

*Educators can collect a certificate of completion for

5 professional development hours, plus any Zoom meetings attended.

($20 additional administrative fee)

*To receive a Certificate of Completion, must submit practice writings and lesson plan ideas per instructions in the online classroom.